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 Rosemary Natural Therapies


      Rosemary Natural Therapies  is the result of the care dedicated to the persistent cultivation of knowledge related to the various natural therapies and the immense joy conquered in 16  years of experience in practice  therapy.

      Today is  possible to use  the benefits of technology and offer people the possibility of accessing these therapies in the environment where it is best for them, without having to discount the precious time of commuting in traffic from their schedules. Online service also  shortens the path and crosses borders for those who want to put their trust in my  work and seek  the frequency of balance and fulfillment.

      "When a person becomes aware of what he wants and sees its potential , he starts to act on the events of life and  not just react to  what happens to you."  Denise Custodio

   Handmade Rosemary

      Handmade Rosemary is  result of our objective of  make the well-being experienced  in therapeutic care  can be prolonged in the most diverse environments where the person is, through the use of  composed of floral, essential and vegetable oils. Synergies:  spray,  roll-on,  oil, cream and gel base;  face and body scrubs;  thermal and aromatic pillows;  and other natural products will soon be available  available in our store.


Aromaterapia produtos naturais
  Do you know what i want?
       I want  what  persons, who enter this site and read the content,  take the seeds with you  of hope, joy and the certainty that they have within themselves the potential to overcome the challenges that life presents.
      An affectionate hug.
      Denise Custodio, therapist.
"All the flowers of all tomorrows are
in the seeds of today".  
indian proverb
I  I invite you to sow your seeds of  harmony and  walk the path of self-knowledge with me today.
An affectionate hug.
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